2024/25 Financial Reports

Approved Budget + Precept Report – 2024/25

Quarter 1 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

2023/24 Financial Reports

Approved Budget + Precept Report – 2023/24

Quarter 1 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Quarter 2 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Quarter 3 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Quarter 4 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Asset Register – 31st March 2024

Notice of Electors’ Rights 2023/24

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 – Section 1 & 2

Summary of Income & Expenditure 2023 – 2024

2022/23 Financial Reports

Budget + Precept Report – 2022-2023

Month 1 – April 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 2 – May 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 3 – June 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 4 – July 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 5 – August 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 6 – September 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 7 – October 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 8 – November 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 9 – December 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 10 – January 2023 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 11 – February 2023 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Month 12 – March 2023 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500

Year End Accounts 2022-2023 (R&P)

Proposed Budget + Precept Report – 2023-2024

Notice of Elector’s Rights

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-2023 – Section 1 + 2

End of Year Bank Reconciliation 2020-2023

Interim Notice of Non Conclusion of Audit 2022-2023

Internal Audit Report of AGAR 2022-2023

Internal Audit Report 2022-2023 with Council Action Plan

Interim External Audit Report 2022-2023

Response to Challenge Correspondence 2022-2023

Restated Accounting Statement 2022-2023

2021/22 Financial Reports

Month 1 – April 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 2 – May 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 3 – June 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 4 – July 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 5 – August 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 6 – September 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 7 – October 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 8 – November 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 9 – December 2021 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 10 – January 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 11 – February 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

Month 12 – March 2022 – List of Expenditure exceeding £500 / I&E Accounts

The Council is required to complete an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) which includes the findings of the Internal Auditor, together with Governance Statements and Financial Statements. The AGAR is then submitted to the independent external auditor for examination.

Notice of Elector’s Rights

Internal Audit Report

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 – Section 1

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 – Section 2

Interim Notice of (Non) Conclusion of Audit 2021/22

Interim External Audit Report (Notice of Non Completion) 2021/22

Final External Audit Report and Certificate 2021/22

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021/22

2020/21 Financial Reports

Internal Audit Report

Audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21

Notice of Elector’s Rights

External Audit Certificate 2020/21

Notice of Audit 2020/21

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020/21

Final External Audit Report and Certificate 2020/21

2019/20 Financial Reports

Declaration of Public Rights of Inspection 2019/20

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20

Internal Audit Report 2019/20 AGAR signed

Accounting Statements – Explanation of Variances 2019/20

Bank Reconciliation at 31/03/2020

Income & Expenditure Account as at 31st March 2020

Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2020

Receipts Transactions 2019/20

Payment Transactions 2019/20

Fixed Assets & Investments as at 31st March 2020

Risk Assessment as at 31st March 2020

Internal Audit Report 2019/20 Interim

Internal Audit Report 2019/20 Final

Action Plan

2018/19 Financial Reports

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19

Financial reports 2018/19

Internal Audit Report 2018-2019

Statement – Internal Audit Report 2018-2019